Monday, October 20, 2008

Know It All

Celeste's been doing very well with her speech therapy, when she's focused and motivated, she gets it and does what she needs to do. She's also increasing catching mispronunciations in her day-to-day speech and correcting herself.

Tonight, as we were going through her latest worksheet, she was stumbling over the white–write pair. Quinn was talking, Evelin was unloading the dishwasher, and I wasn't sure if I was just not hearing Celeste quite right or not, so we skipped that pair and finished the sheet.

In a quiet moment, we went back to white–write. She was saying the 'hw in white well, but I couldn't figure out how she was saying "write." I tried correcting her and she just gave a little smile and said: "That's how Ms. L--- says it, but she doesn't know it starts with a w."

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Congratulations to Ikea ...

... for creating realistic living spaces in its showrooms that invite you to loose your sense of place and to imagine that you too can live in a nicely organized home with clean lines, Swedish books (which I’m still a bit perturbed aren't actually for sale), and creative use of color and patterns.

Of course there are indications that some two-year-olds might become a little confused when they turn a corner, find a nicely appointed bathroom complete with a Lättsam, and get the feeling.

Fortunately, the ever aware father who was looking at the kitchen cabinets around said corner, made it into the bathroom before any "business" was completed.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


Those who know me have probably heard one of my sneezes. They tend to be loud and violent. I actually hit my head on my desk once as my body contorted in a sneeze — maybe it happened more than once ... the head blows may have caused some memory loss.

Last week, I was helping Quinn with her shoes and was struck with a sneeze fit. Quinn, horrified, turned and told me very sternly: "Daddy! No sneeze. No sneeze on me."

I apologized profusely and she forgave me. But she didn't forget. Later that afternoon, I got a Kleenex-brand facial tissue and blew my nose. Quinn ran over: "Good job, Daddy! You used a tissue!"

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Happy Birthday, Kiddo!

Four years ago, I really should have changed the name of this blog to "Life's Changed." After all that time's passed, I have a ton of memories, tons of sleepless nights, and a little sister for the girl who made me a daddy. Now, she's working on taking lots of pictures for us ...

New Possibilities Dalmatian

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Giddyup, Buckaroo

About four-and-a-half years ago, Evelin and I took a drive up to Gettysburg for no particular reason. Among the things we encountered on that trip was a sign for the Land of Little Horses. As I blogged back then: "I think I'd feel a little less silly asking for two adult admissions to a place like that if I could at least pretend that my 3-, 4-, or 5-year-old was the one who wanted to go...."

Quinn's two; Celeste is four in a few short days. This afternoon we went.

Call out the Posse!Feeding the Little Horses

Feeding the Sheep Feeding the Llama

If pressed, I might say it was a little less than what I expected, but it still was fun.

In a lot of ways, it was a total tourist trap, complete with a gift shop you have to pass through on the way in and the way out. However, it was great with the girls.

Celeste never once did her "I only like dogs" routine; she was very excited and interested in getting up close, petting and feeding the animals. Quinn was a bit warier, especially as she grew more tired, but she loved the sheep and goats, as well as the horses. The only bad bit for her was when she was scratched by a cat — she was trying to feed it one of the alfalfa pellets all the other animals ate; apparently the cat didn't like it.

Neither girl wanted to take a pony ride, but they both loved the little playground and both were very interested in the arena show, especially since I'd tipped them off to the dog race portion of the show. Both girls were getting squirmy and tired, so we cut out before the show ended — during the ciphering horse routine — which lead to screams and tears from the girls. Both of them were asleep before we got out of Pennsylvania.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Beagles Are Short

Celeste has been told we can get her long desired dog once Quinn is potty trained. This afternoon while coloring and having a snack, Celeste tells me that Quinn had an accident at summer camp. She then turned to her sister and said with a firm voice, and a slightly sad tone, "You need to be potty trained, 'cause we really need a puppy."

She then revised and extended her statement, saying we should get a puppy for each member of the family. Then she suggested we get two beagles for each of us. I had her count up the total number of beagles — 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 — and, when reminded, she saw that that was one more puppy than in Too Many Puppies.

Not to be deterred, though, Celeste countered that "beagles get old and die soon," thinking of a neighborhood dog who passed earlier in the year. I pointed out that Berry had been 14 years old, ten years older than she is.

Celeste’s response: "Goodness gracious, but she was short!"

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

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My 1,000th post, months after last posting and it's an accidental picture message to myself ... oy.

I really should try to get back to the blogging ... maybe make a fresh start at it ...