Monday, May 24, 2004


So Evelin and I are taking the plunge into trying to actually prepare for this little person that's set to arrive a week or so after the Autumnal Equinox. Armed with our copy of Baby Bargains, 5th edition, Evelin started early scouring a bunch of websites to try to figure out what's out there in terms of cribs.

Happily, it looks like most any crib on the market today will fit into the little nook in the room we're planning to use as a nursery. Sadly, there are a lot of different cribs on the market today and many questions to consider.

Eventually we decided enough with the pretty pictures on the Web and headed off to Babies ''Я'' Us to kick the tires (or at least knee the knee-release mechanisms).

After about an hour of looking at various models, options, styles, colors, etc., we think we figured out which crib would work best for us (with another model in mind as a back up), but we're still gathering data, so if anyone out there has any thoughts/advice, please make judicious use of either of the commenting systems.

Questions we still have:
  1. Drop side or not? The non-drop-down-side cribs are definitely sturdier, but will we need to drop that side over time as the baby gets bigger and the mattress has to be moved lower?

  2. Convertible crib or not? I don't really see the need for a toddler bed, but it seems a bit of a waste to buy a crib and then have to toss it or something in three to five years. I know the convertible add some costs in terms of conversion kits over time, but at least the frame isn't going to go to waste.

  3. Drawer or none? The extra storage space seems like a good idea, but is it really a convenient place to stash things?

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