Tuesday, September 05, 2006


There's a ton of stuff to catch up on over the past two weeks or so, but the short form of it is: my mom was visiting, Evelin's parents (and sister and her daughter) were visiting, car battery dead, car battery replaced, Tropical Storm Ernesto, work, work, work, I haven't cut the grass, the burnt-out circuit was worse than expected and we were probably days away from losing the one that controls the air conditioning, the electrician had to swap around several breakers to more/replace the AC and dryer circuits, work, work, work, the dryer was still not working, that was because of my first attempt to figure out the problem, I managed to fix it, we have a leak in the bathroom that's dripping into the kitchen, hot water to the upstairs bathroom is currently shut off, plumber is supposed to come by tomorrow, both girls have little colds, work, work, work, and I still haven't cut the grass.

Oh, and yesterday capped Celeste's birthday fortnight. She had cupcakes and a little celebration while my mom was here and then another one with a cake on Saturday when Evelin's sister and her cousin were here, and another on Sunday with Evelin's folks (no cake), and then yet another little celebration with us yesterday, her actual retail birthday.

Despite the odds, both girls are taking really good naps at the moment, which is what I really, really needed them to do today (although I haven't cleaned up the house like I should have). Hopefully the past two weeks of bad naps are a thing of the past and Celeste has realized she still needs a nap, and Quinn is through the leap/growth spurt/whatever and is back to better sleeping ...

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