Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Work-Fried Brain

Urgh. Two 12+ hour days in a row at the office (and it looks like tomorrow and maybe Thursday will be a bugger, too). Today was the client coming in to look through the preprint pages for the newspaper; despite some little concerns about photos (on our side; the client didn't notice anything amiss) it went well. And because they were working in my office and I had to be handy to answer any questions/concerns, I got a little caught up on editing for my newspaper, which had been being ignored to get this contract publish job done.

Oh, and my managing editor gave three weeks or so notice this morning. I was splitting her with another publication, and I'm not sure if I'm going to get to replace her with someone who is working only on my pubs or if I'll have to share the replacement.

I'm sad to see M--- go. She was a good editor and proofer, but she's so sick of publishing that she's going to start her own business -- a mobile pet grooming service. There's a company, Wag'n Tails, that builds customized mobile pet salon trailer/van mobile grooming, and she already has the model picked out. But, first, there are four-months of pet-grooming school.

Knowing that it was going to be a long day (and because rain is threatened for tonight/tomorrow), I stopped at the Tidal Basin on the way to work this morning to take a quick look at the cherry blossoms. It was a bit surprising how many people were out in 40°F weather at 6:30 a.m. Despite that, the trees were blooming quite nicely, and I got to pet a standard poodle.
Early Morning Cherry Blossoms at the Tidal Basin, 30 March 2004

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