Thursday, February 17, 2005

Don’t Jinx It ...

So far, it's been a pretty good day.

Celeste was nice and happy to see me this afternoon — big smiles and all-around-happy looks — and she even gave me a few good laughs. She spent a little time showing off her new stomach-to-back rolling-over trick, and I tried to put some toys just out of reach to encourage some back-to-stomach rolls, but I have the feeling we're going to be working on that one for a little while.

She then went down painlessly for a short nap, followed by a bottle, a walk in her new Combi Savvy Soho stroller that I put together today. (She actually got that from K--- and T---, who brought it down the when they were visiting the weekend that ended up being her birth, but we've kept it in the basement until she seemed ready to have a sit-up stroller.) She did pretty good on the walk. The straps have to be cinched fairly high (she must be on the small side for using it), but she seemed to enjoy herself. We came back and played a rip-roaring bout of peek-a-boo before the need for another (hopefully longer) nap reared its ugly head.

And that’s where we are now ...

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